Our aim is a new life-style based on heart-thinking.
How do we get there? Read below, but first:
from whom I have learned
First of all from my parents, who were both musicians. My father, a peasant’s son from Denmark, played the violin; my mother, a businessman’s daughter from Brazil, too and later on also the viola. Moved by true artistic enthusiasm they both enhanced the cultural life of Porto Alegre in the sixties, by creating a wonderful youth orchestra with their violin pupils. That was the atmosphere into which I was born (1964).
And also from my older brother, Lavard, I learned, with whom I grew up in Salzburg, Austria, in this beautiful landscape permeated by Mozart’s lovely music. In that period our father studied with Swarowsky in Vienna to become a conducter. But nevertheless he wanted his two children to grow up in Salzburg, in his eyes the most beautiful place on earth. Like me, Lavard very early started to play the fiddle but, different from me, it became his profession. He created a wonderful international string orchestra, which he called Salzburg Chamber Soloists. And today he also conducts other orquestras, which invite him all over the planet. To experience the professional music scene was always possible for me just by being his sister. And in these surroundings I learned a lot, in rehearsals, concerts, master classes and also at barbecue parties, which my brother loves to throw for his musicians.
The sudden and very early death of our father brought Spiritual Science into our lives. When I was eighteen I had private lessons with a very special old lady, Gudrun Harand. She introduced me right away to the essence of Anthroposophy. She said: "people think they can think. It's not true. You have to learn it consciously."
The courage though to endeavor a professional artistic training I felt sparkling in my heart through a wonderful encounter I had with Mario Brunello, the itallian cellist, in Salzburg in summer 1983.
I became enthusiastic about the art of eurythmy in the lessons I had with Dorothea Brockhoff in Stuttgart, Germany (1983/84). I was trained in the Eurythmy School of Carina Schmid in Hamburg (1985 – 89), were I also learned, amongst others, from Uta Stoll and Lasse Wennerschou. When I began to work as a eurythmy teacher in the old Waldorfschool in Bremen (1989), my teenage pupils became my masters. The challenges they brought to me succeded in waking me up into a new level of reality.
I was introduced to heart-thinking by Christian Büttner in Roncegno, Italy, when we both were treated in Casa di Salute Raphael (a very special antroposophic spa) in summer 1995. He showed us how to work with the 1918 Preface of the Philosophy of Spiritual Activity (Philosophie der Freiheit) from Rudolf Steiner, only because Ludmilla Kucera made the right question in the right moment. I owe her a lot!
Christian introduced me to Florin Lowndes in Stuttgart (Pentecost 1996), who made a deep impression on me. I started to practice with the Preface 1918, and he oriented my individual work, when I started to walk on this path.
When I quit Bremen Waldorfschool I went to New York to learn with Mark Riccio, who was just writing his PHD at Columbia University in 1997/98 about Rudolf Steiner’s heart-thinking method and it’s central role in Waldorf education. He lived close to the campus of Spring Valley, where I was learning more in tone eurythmy through Dorothea Mier and Barbara Schneider-Serio. With him I learned how to work with groups, on the Preface 1918 as well as on the Second Appendix. He also introduced me to Scott Fielding, actor, acting teacher and director, who worked already with heart-thinking in his profession. Inspired by both I created my introduction course to heart-thinking through movement.
When Carina Schmid invited me to teach it in Hamburg Eurythmy School in the fall of that year (1998), Scott and I continued to work together on the practice of heart-thinking in Hamburg and then (1999) in Chicago, where he co-created Alchymia Theatre. When I moved to Porto Alegre he soon came and gave wonderful acting courses (2001), where I translated and experienced his way of living teaching. I was very inspired and understood the importance of rhythm and atmosphere in the art of teaching. Scott works with the method of Michael Chekhov.
In april 2001 I inaugurated my eurythmy-studio in Porto Alegre and called it Espaço Vivo, which means Living Space.
In 2004 Florin invited me to attend a heart-thinking course he would give with his wife in the beginning of 2005 in Germany. This was when I met her, Sylvia Weyand, a therapeutic eurythmist. She told me how she works, I experienced her eurythmy lessons and I got very inspired. Back in Brazil, full of new ideas, I continued to develop my own style.
To all these unique human beings, I had the pleasure to meet, I am very thankful.
In march 2005 I started to create a four years introduction course to a new life style, based on heart-thinking. It is, for shure, work in progress, growing constantly, developing out of the presence of all the special people who seek such a new life-style. The aim of this course is to get into the atmosphere of the four levels first, to experience them from many different directions, in order to develop a true individual longing for the waking up process into the realm of the etheric, into the sphere of imagination.
We are walking in this direction here in southern-Brazil and whoever wants to experience this approach is very welcome! We speak portuguese. But the first year I can also offer in English. At least I am ready to try it, as soon as there is a group of interested people who asks for it.
what we do in these four years
soon there will be more information about it here

Welcome to the living waves of heart-thinking, so green, so fresh...
Attersee, 2019, a beautiful lake in Austria with crystal clear water

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damned smart

is to move from this image to that, from damned smart to cognition. Today we are all so damned smart, we even created a damned smart phone and feel proud about it. What do you feel, when you look at this posture, at these colors? (first image). Is this the way you really want to be? This attitude pollutes the world. Our planet is so sick from all these damned smart people.
The only way to heal is to move on. To purify myself so that I can learn to get into reality, into relationship with truth. Only those, who seek the truth, are able to recognize all the lies, which permeate our world today.
The truth is a Being. I can only relate to this Being, when I start to clean my house, when I start to walk on the path of purification. How do you experience these colors, this posture? (second image). So bright, so pure – the Light can stream through it and radiate from it into the world.
Whatever we do in Living Space moves toward this image. All our activities are meant for those, who want to practice self-transformation.